Knitsome, purlsome

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

You would think

 You would think that with a coronavirus pandemic going, that there would be LOTS and LOTS of knitting going on.  But no.  The last great burst of knitting was for Christmas 2019 or maybe 2020 when I knit 17 neck warmers in jewel tone and mid pastel extrabulky yarn  US13 and oh, I can't remember how many stitches were good....54?  64?  in 2 x 2 rib.  Everyone loved them!  and put them on and looked decorative.  In spite of the aunt asking if I had another one in jewel tone...well, not.

So excited to find that Google doesn't delete blogs.  It's been 4 years and the lack of knitting didn't help.  Sorry, blog.  I'll be better.