Knitsome, purlsome

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Knitting chatrooms

Went online t'other night and found a chatroom for knitters! From across the country, they talk of all kinds, pretend to interact with each other (X walks across the room and gives a toy to Y) and meet and greet. A little talk about the WIPs and FOs, but not much. I think I'd rather be knitting.

Got into reading blogs, like dogseatyarn and grumperina and blue blog, and the concept of secret pal - a swap program along the lines of Secret Santa, for knitting buddies in a group. It seems really nice, getting to know a perfect stranger and sending parcels of things s(he) would like. Then the recipient posts a photo on her blog and everyone oohs and aahs! Seems like a super thing to do...but wait, wouldn't it be great doing this for the everyday people in your life? A friend you havent seen in a while, or maybe even one you saw yesterday? Just for nice? Wow. Then again, your immediate friends might not be knitters, but the idea of thinking hard for unexpected things someone would like, well, it reminds me of antics I did in high school.

Still need to get some photos up.


Blogger Kay Thomas Brown said...

The concept of all things home based businesses is at my
home based businesses infested site.
An infestation of home based businesses to say the least.. whew..
How many times can one say it ..haha..just
surfing these blogs and found yours.. I like it!

11:41 PM  

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