Knitsome, purlsome

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Up too late

So what am I doing, when I'm supposed to be getting up again in six hours? I finished a lovely 2x2 ribbed hat with a turnback cuff out of Karabella Bulky, pink with a magenta stripe, which I love for being soft and merino and washable. Now all the things I might have done - like use a smaller needle for the cuff ribbing, but then I wasn't sure how deep I wanted it. Like twist the colors so I didn't have to weave in all those ends from having two wide magenta stripes.

I'm still not sure how big a ribbed cap ought to be. This one was 64 stitches in the round, following the instructions for the largest manic hair hat in StitchNBitch. It's soft and comfortable and feels good. Third attempt at hat and one I would actually wear. The first one, following the instructions, is only a cap and not long enough for a cuff, which I think you need, to stay warm.

The second one was an Elizabeth Zimmermann practice cap (and my first try at Fair Isle!) and was charming but really too small for me. (and I thought I had a medium sized head!) Mom tried it and liked the color, but it was too tight on her also. Perhaps it's time to check GAUGE, as EZ says.

Now I need to take pictures of the FOs. More later.


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